Saturday, January 25, 2014

Daily Words

I completed my penance for not writing much this week by banging out 2722 words on a story that I was expecting to finish, but, as with all stories, other things came up in the way of plot.

So, almost to the end, but not quite there. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Low Motivation Week

Oh, man, has this been a low motivation week. The last few weeks at the day job have been really busy. I've been pushing myself to do some words, but have hit a big, fat zero for three days straight after a streak of 17 days. 

Have to get back on the [insert animal to be ridden here]. 

Will push for a word count to day in absolution. 

In the meantime, I suggest the following motivational posts:

From Chuck Wendig's blog:

and another from John Scalzi:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Daily Words

Not many words today. Finished with 207, but I'm going to call "first draft" on "Half Life," which is a hefty 8800 words. 

Looking forward to doing the second draft in a few weeks and whittle it down to a more manageable 5000 or less. That was certainly the upper tier for what I was expecting for this story. 

Most importantly, I finished the story. There are rough areas and a few scenes that are only sketched, but I may cut them anyway. But it's done. 

Now, onward!

(Not So) Daily Words

The Day Job has ramped up this week, so I've been a little crunched for time in daily words reporting. 

On the bright side, I have been getting some words in this week. 

I'm currently at a six day streak. 

So far, since Sunday, 1/5 I have gotten in 1933 words. It's nothing stellar, but I am writing every day.

Sunday: 52 words
Monday: 373 words
Tuesday: 503 words
Wednesday: 894 words
Thursday: 111 

All of these words have been on "Half Life," which is now a bloated 8600 words with still a bit to go. This one has gotten out of hand. I'm looking forward to putting it away for a few weeks so that I can come back to it with a fresh eye to trim it down. 

But I vow to finish it. This is the Year of Finishing. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Daily Words

No words yesterday, breaking my short streak.

Will have to start again.

Today, did 670 words on "Half Life."

"Half Life"

Starting: 5997
Ending: 6667

Friday, January 3, 2014

Freebie Friday -- A One-Minute Crime

Rated R for Violence, Language, and a Subtle Twist at the End
by Richard Sturgis 

John was sick and tired of finding bodies in the dumpster behind the movie theater.

Surely, an usher’s job was thankless, but this was ridiculous. 

Sometimes, John said to himself, “Hey, John, what’s up with all these bodies?” Usually, his own voice answered, “Man, you just got shit poor luck.”

Other times a voice whispered, Assholes.

What really pissed off John wasn’t the bodies or the job. What really pissed him off were those assholes who talked through the whole movie on their cell phones.

Those kinds of people should die. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Daily Words

Got 1353 words on "Half Life" today. Very productive half hour. Looks like I'll hit close to 7000 on this story, but I'm thinking it'll be 3000-4000 when I'm done. Still, not a bad go. 

Worked on "Half Life" for 30 minutes.

Starting: 4633

Ending: 5997

This gives me an 8-day writing streak. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Daily Words

Today did 547 words on "Half Life." Nearing the end.

"Half Life"
Starting: 4097
Ending 4644

Daily Words

Worked on "Half Life." 

Starting wordcount: 3760
Ending wordcount: 4097

337 words written today.